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Horizontal Line Tag

In HTML, the <hr> tag is a simple yet powerful tool for adding horizontal lines to your web page. These lines can be used to visually separate content, creating a clear distinction between different sections of your document.

How to Use the <hr> Tag

The <hr> tag is incredibly straightforward to use. You don't need a closing tag, and it doesn't require any attributes. Its basic syntax is just this:


When you insert this tag into your HTML code, it will render as a horizontal line across the width of your webpage. This line serves as a visual separator, helping you organize your content and make it more reader-friendly.

Why Use the <hr> Tag?

The <hr> tag is especially handy when you want to break up your content into distinct sections. Here are a few scenarios where it can be particularly useful:

  1. Dividing Topics: If you have a long article or document with multiple sections or topics, you can use the <hr> tag to create clear boundaries between them.

  2. Contact Information: Placing a horizontal line after your contact details at the end of a web page is a common practice, providing a clear visual separation.

  3. Author's Bio: To separate the author's bio from the main content, you can insert an <hr> tag.

  4. Comments or Testimonials: Horizontal lines can be used to break up comments or testimonials on a webpage, making it easier for readers to distinguish one from the next.

Best Practices

While the <hr> tag is simple, here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Accessibility: Ensure that your use of horizontal lines doesn't create confusion for screen readers or visually impaired users. Always consider accessibility when adding these elements to your page.

  2. Styling: You can customize the appearance of horizontal lines using CSS to match your website's design. For example, you can change the color, width, or style of the line.

Quick Demo Video

For a visual demonstration of how to use the <hr> tag and further insights into its practical applications, check out this brief video tutorial:

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